Acceptance rate:
Time to first decision with review:
80 days*
Time from acceptance to publication:
18 days*
Impact Factor (JCR):
2024 total content views:
Aims and scope
BMJ Leader is an international, peer-reviewed, online-only journal focusing on leadership in health and care.
Our overarching purpose is to improve the results and experience delivered by health and care systems for their patients, populations and workforces. To deliver on this purpose, we help to build better leaders – people who are rounded, resilient and equipped with effective leadership skills and knowledge. Just as importantly, we nurture a community of leaders by improving connectivity and encouraging debate.
BMJ Leader showcases original research and reviews, interpretations of the evidence base, and reflections and debate by practitioners on the key themes of leadership. It is the place to find and contribute evidence, reflection and discussion on the many disciplines that drive leadership in health and care.
BMJ Leader adheres to the highest possible industry standards concerning publication ethics. To read the journal’s detailed guidelines please see our policies.
For information about BMJ Leader’s Editor Dr James Mountford and the editorial team, please refer to the Editorial Board page. BMJ Leader is co-owned by BMJ and the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management, and is an official journal of the Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators
Plan S Compliance
BMJ Leader complies with funder mandates, including Plan S. Find out about compliance options in our author hub.
Journal information
BMJ Leader is co-owned by BMJ and the Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management
Publication model
Subscription; with hybrid open access option
Launch date
Indexed by
Web of Science Core Collection: Emerging Sources Citation Index, Medline, Scopus, Google Scholar
Peer Review Model
Single anonymised; the names of reviewers are hidden from the author
Online ISSN
Journal Statistics 2024
Acceptance rate: 57%
Time to first decision without review (median): 25 days
Time to first decision with review (median): 80 days
Time from acceptance to publication (median): 18 days
Impact Factor category: Health Care Sciences & Services
Impact Factor (JCR): 1.8
5 Year Impact Factor: 1.8
Journal Citation Indicator (JCI): 0.48
Eigenfactor: 0.00096
Citescore: 6.8
Citescore rank: 123/567
Scimago Journal rank (SJR): 1.912
2024 total content views: 262,779
2024 total Altmetric mentions: 1051
The impact that academic research has cannot be defined by one single metric. In 2013, BMJ signed the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA). We did this to show our support for using multiple measures and metrics to portray journals’ impact; moving away from the Impact Factor as a single measure.
How we get these metrics
Contact information
For all contact information please refer to the contact us page.
For Authors
Please refer to the Instructions for authors
Rights and permissions
The Faculty of Medical Leadership and Management is the UK professional home for medical leadership. Its primary objective is to raise the standard of patient care by improving medical leadership.
The Royal Australasian College of Medical Administrators is an accredited specialist medical college comprising medical practitioners with specialist training in management and leadership of health services and systems.
BMJ is a founding member of COPE (the Committee on Publication Ethics), which provides a forum for publishers and Editors of scientific journals to discuss issues relating to the integrity of the work submitted to or published in their journals.
The EQUATOR Network is an international initiative that seeks to improve the value of medical research literature by promoting transparent, accurate reporting of research studies. BMJ is a sponsor of its activities.